Wolf Flight glw-2 Read online

Page 9

  Missy goggled at him.

  “Just planning ahead. You get to drive us through customs, sweetie. I’m going to be hiding out.”

  They drove in silence for a while, the dark mountains looming above the highway.

  “I think you’re one too, Tad. An Omega.” Missy spoke quietly. She clasped his right hand, warming his fingers as she rubbed them like worry beads.

  “Really?” He racked his brain for everything he knew about Omegas. Other than what Shaun had shared, it was very little. Except there was something very comfortable about the knowledge settling over him, very natural. A part of his brain he had always known was there but never used seemed newly available. “Isn’t it really weird we’d end up as mates? I thought Omegas were rare.”

  “Mates complement each other, complete each other. There must be things that you’ll be able to do that I can’t, or that I can’t without your help. I’m still trying to figure out the extent of my skills. I know I can calm crowds and soothe someone when they’re angry. The last Omega I spoke to said he could locate pack members by their thoughts. He went through the pack each night and helped relax their burdens so they could sleep well.”

  Tad grunted. “I don’t think being a night light is the kind of thing I’d enjoy. You really think I’m one?”

  She nodded. “One of the minor skills all Omega’s have is the ability to hide our scent if we need to. You were doing that even before we…you know.”

  “Made love? Had sex? Did the horizontal hoochie coochie? You realize we’re still not done, by the way. That was nowhere near long enough or enough times for a real FirstMate. From what I’ve been told,” Tad teased, trying to lighten the mood.

  Missy kissed his knuckles. “Trust me, I’m looking forward to more as well.” She laughed. “I think ours is the strangest mating I’ve ever heard of. It’s taking the longest time to complete!”

  Tad squeezed her fingers. “I love you, Missy. And everything will be fine.”

  They would be at Robyn and Keil’s in an hour. Whether it was her ability as an Omega or his ability to bullshit, peace descended and Tad relaxed. It was going to work out. It had to.

  He was in love and that made everything right.

  All the house lights were blazing as they slowed on the approach to Keil’s log house on the outskirts of Haines, Alaska.

  “Tad.” Missy’s eyes were huge in her face. “He’s here.”

  Shit. “You sure?”

  She gave him a dirty look.

  “Sorry. You’re sure. Don’t worry. We’ll just go talk to him, explain we’re mates and that’s all there is to it.”

  Missy turned away from him and Tad felt her fear rise again.

  He, on the other hand, was getting royally pissed off. It sucked big time he’d caused so much trouble with their mating by his ignorance, but enough was enough. Werewolves or not, some things were the right thing to do. If the Alpha from Whistler didn’t understand, he could shove it up his ass.

  The area in front of the house looked like a parking lot. Half the pack must have been there, and a couple of fancy rentals were noticeable front and center. Tad opened the car door for Missy and held her arm as they approached the house.

  The Granite Lake Beta stepped from the shadows.

  “Hell, am I glad to see you. Did you get our message?” Tad asked. Erik nodded and motioned to the side of the house with his head. Tad followed toward the edge of the stairs.

  “A group from Whistler showed up today and demanded Granite Lake’s assistance in regaining one of their AWOL pack mates. They said she might be suffering from mental trauma, and they were concerned she could be a danger to others if she wasn’t dealt with properly.” Erik snorted in disbelief.

  Missy clutched Tad’s arm tighter.

  “Dangerous? Missy? Please, what kind of crap are they trying to pull? And last time I checked there was no such thing as going AWOL from a pack. It’s not a military membership or anything.” Tad soothed a hand down Missy’s back as he looked up into Erik’s worried face.

  Erik squatted his huge body down to Missy’s level so they were eye to eye. “You’re close to the end of your time of mourning. Did you know Doug planned to take you as a partner?” She nodded and Erik cursed. “Damn, can’t even claim ignorance and ask for an extension. I take it you’d prefer not to accept his proposal?”

  Tad felt the wave of fear and nausea that swept over her.

  “I would sooner permanently shift and go feral, but they threatened my sister.”

  Tad laid a hand on her shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “You’re not going anywhere, Missy, and we can keep your sister safe.” Tad turned to Erik. “We can keep her safe, can’t we?” He stared at Erik, ready to do whatever it took to convince the Beta to help them.

  Erik stood and rubbed his chin. “I have some friends in Vancouver that I could call in a favour from. But she would have to be ready to leave fast. In the meantime, it doesn’t change the fact they”—he pointed with a thumb over his shoulder—“want Missy.

  “We got your message that you plan on getting hitched. When they overheard the news, the Whistler pack stopped talking about recovering a missing member, and Doug informed us that you were promised to him. Keil’s done what he could, but they’ve issued a challenge for Missy.”

  Tad wrapped an arm around Missy. “Nope. She’s my mate, Erik. The real deal. They can’t take her—”

  Erik shook his head. “That’s what I’m trying to tell you. They can. They can take her if you’re dead.”

  Well, that would really mess up his day.

  “Bloodthirsty wolves.” Tad cursed.

  Erik nodded. “Not one of our better personality traits, I’ll admit.”

  Tad took a long breath in and considered. He’d just been triggered. Next full moon was in three weeks. In that amount of time they should be able to help Missy’s sister get away and he’d be able to prepare a battle plan. Figure out how to use his new skills as an Omega if he really did have them.

  “Fine, I accept the challenge. Do they want to fight in Whistler or—”

  Erik’s face screwed up into a frown. “Tad, they want to fight here. Now.”

  Shit. Werewolf politics sucked. “But I can’t shift yet. How the hell is that a fair challenge?” He was supposed to defend himself against a wolf attack tonight?

  “There are rules about these things set out in the code, of course, but it seems since you’ve been triggered you count as a full wolf. There’s nothing in there about having to wait until you actually can shift.” Erik looked extremely uncomfortable. “It would be in the interest of fair play to wait, but I think Doug’s comment was something like ‘I want to kill the little bastard as soon as possible.’ We’re not talking about nice people here, Tad.”

  Missy crowded into his side. The connection between them flared. Images flashed through his mind—Missy accompanying Doug away, Tad left in safety—Tad groaned. While it was neat to know what she was planning, it was going to make it tough to give her surprise gifts in the future if they couldn’t keep any secrets from each other. He turned her to face him and brushed a soft hand against her cheek, gazing into her eyes. He lowered his voice to speak quietly to her alone.

  “Missy, you are not going with them. You think you can deny our mating and go be with Doug now? I don’t think so.”

  She pressed her hand to his, her fingers cold and shaking. “If my sister is safe, I can stand it. I don’t want to lose you. Just get her to safety and I’ll eventually get away from Whistler.”

  Tad hugged her close, his lips brushing her cheek. This time he spoke intimately through their mate connection trying to pass the emotion he felt along with the words. “I can’t let you go back. I can’t stand the thought of him touching you. I’d sooner die killing him than let you return to a life that’s caused you so much pain.”

  Missy clung to him for a second then stared up at him with fear in her eyes. “It’s a challenge. He’ll turn into a wol
f and kill you, and it will be all my fault.” She covered her face with her hands. “I wish I’d never come back.”

  “You don’t mean that.” Tad held her close to his chest. “I love you, and I’m so glad you came back north and found me.”

  “But he’s an Alpha wolf and he fights dirty.”

  Tad kissed her. Here she was in his arms, the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to him, and a criminal wanted to take her away from him. No bloody way. “I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve. I can fight dirty myself if I have to. As far as I’m concerned, he’s not entitled to a fair fight after what he’s done to you, your family and your pack.”

  Erik cleared his throat. “If you’re ready, everyone is waiting in the back.”

  Chapter 10

  Tad had seen pictures of gladiator fight rings before. This set-up was a little more archaic and rustic. On the right side of Keil and Robyn’s backyard, the snow had been packed down into the shape of a small hockey rink. The cleared area nudged up against the trees that led out into the wilderness. Bright overhead lights turned the whole area into high noon.

  “Someone afraid of the dark, Keil?” Tad called.

  Erik pulled Missy with him toward the house and Tad watched as the light in her eyes dimmed.“Missy. You get that look off your face and trust me. We need to decide where to go for a honeymoon. After we finish the job at Mount Logan. Liard Hot Springs in April?”

  “Tad, he jumps to the left.”

  And then silence.

  Tad stared up toward the house. “Keil?”

  Keil marched into the lit area and pulled Tad in for a hug. He wore his usual guiding gear of camo pants and padded vest. There was a tall, lean man by his side dressed in a suit who watched with cold eyes. “Tad. This is Heath, Beta of Whistler. He’s here to ensure I explain the challenge and all the terms.” Keil shot an evil look at the intruder. “He’s also listening to make sure I don’t impart any hints on how to win this thing. I’m sorry, but they’ve got traditional law on their side. I have total control over my own pack and territory, but these kind of challenges follow laws that are bigger than me. I suggested they wait until the next full moon so you’d be able to shift as well but the damn code says…”

  Tad shook his head. “It’s okay.”

  Keil made a rude noise. “It’s not okay. Your sister is going to make my life miserable for not coming up with a better solution.”

  Tad looked around but saw nothing beyond the blinding lights. The rest of the yard and the house were dark shadows in the background. “Is Robyn watching?”

  “Yes. Erik will stay with her and Missy until this is over. They’re both safe for now.” Keil straightened, looming large and dangerous. He made the Whistler’s Beta look weak and pathetic.

  Tad felt it again, a transfer of information to him from another wolf. Emotions rolled through his brain—his Alpha’s desire to take over, his deep frustration—Tad swore softly. It wasn’t just Missy he could read, he knew what Keil wanted as well. Holy shit, he was an Omega. He skimmed through the layers of information quickly until he understood enough to reassure his brother-in-law. “It’s going to be all right. You’ve done everything possible. I know you’d take my place if you could, but that’s not allowed.”

  Keil stepped back a pace. He shook his head at Tad in disbelief. “Shit, so you really are an Omega as well?”

  Tad nodded. “Seems that way. What’s the deal?”

  “Doug wants Missy, so he has to fight the actual battle. He’s able to shift as often as he wants. He’s Alpha for a strong pack, he’ll be a strong wolf. Don’t underestimate him. You two are alone in the arena until one is defeated. Winner gets Missy.”

  “No weapons are allowed,” Heath whined. “I want to check you.”

  Keil glared at him. “We’d better pull Doug’s teeth and claws, hadn’t we? To make the contest more even?”

  Heath shrugged. “Tad is welcome to bite and scratch all he wants to win the fight.”

  Tad stood silently while Heath patted him down. It made Tad’s skin crawl. He wished he could fart at will like TJ, just to wipe the smirk off the asshole’s face for a minute. He turned to Keil. “She’s my mate. I can win this, I’m sure of it.”

  The tall stranger made a choking sound. “You’re very confident. Shall we get ready? The challenge is to the death.”

  Tad got in Heath’s face. “Really? Because I like ‘to the pain’ so much better, you know, from The Princess Bride? Death is short, but ugly lasts forever. Oops, you already knew that, didn’t you?”

  He turned his back on the two of them and swung his arms in a majestic manner toward the house. Okay, the whole situation had gotten a little out of hand and he’d like a bit of backup. Maybe what Tad had in mind wasn’t strictly kosher but he’d use it only if absolutely necessary. A fight to the death against a man who’d killed his own brother? Tad needed to know that in the end Missy would be safe. As much as it made his stomach churn, he would ensure Doug either gave up or didn’t leave the arena alive.

  “What are you doing?” Keil asked.

  “Communing with the spirits. You see as an Omega…” he glanced over his shoulder at Heath to make sure his words impacted, “…as an Omega, both Missy and I have the ability to use not only our skills, but the skills of the wolves who have fought here before.”

  Bullshit. He had a degree in it and right now it better work. He moved his arms with great care, praying Robyn was watching his “communing”. Come on, Robyn, pass on the message to your mate.

  Keil jerked beside him. Tad was careful not to look at his brother-in-law as he finished up his “magic waving”. Heath had edged away from Tad a step or two. Good. Fear might help keep Tad alive and he really, really wanted to stay alive.

  Another figure stalked naked toward them across the snowy February ground. Tad still couldn’t get used to the way wolves let it all hang out, although this guy didn’t seem to have much to hang.

  Tad grinned up at the house. “Missy, can I call your brother-in-law a wiener?”

  “You want to take this a little more seriously, love?”

  “Cocktail size, I’m guessing.”

  “Tad, please…”

  Keil and Heath stood between the two, forcing Doug and Tad to face each other across a distance of ten feet. Keil nodded to Tad once, then spoke to Heath. “I want to observe from the ground in wolf. You may join me.”

  Hell, yes, Keil had gotten the message. Now came the hard part, convincing the Beta to agree. Tad was sure it wasn’t proper etiquette.

  “A little encouragement right now, Missy, if you please. Heath needs to say yes.” Tad concentrated on making sure positive, peaceful feelings emanated from himself and Keil. Nothing tricky happening here, la-di-dah.

  Heath nodded, and the two of them stepped aside to strip off their clothes. Tad couldn’t help noticing Keil was far more impressive nude than either of the Whistler wolves.

  And wasn’t that just not what he wanted to notice right now.

  “You got an issue I need to know about?” Missy’s thoughts laughed at him.

  “Just tell my sister she’s a brave woman.”

  “Bad boy. Please be careful, Tad. I love you so much.”

  He took note of where the men left the arena to be sure his backup plan was in place before facing Doug. There was still time for one last chance at solving things in a civilized manner. Tad held out his hand.

  “Hi. I’m Tad. I understand we’re kind of related since Missy and I mated—”

  Doug growled and bared his teeth. His canines extended past his lips.

  “You sure you want to do this? I mean, both Missy and I are Omegas and—”

  “You’re a fool. You have no idea how to use your skills, which is why I’m going to kill you now. You’ve spent so much of your life as a human and an unwanted half-blood, you have no idea of the power of a full-blood Alpha. You’re even too sensitive to fuck a woman who is already mated. Oh yes, I know all about yo
u. I looked into what kind—”

  Tad socked him. Hard. Twice.

  Someday the bad guys would realize monologues were a bad thing.

  While Doug staggered back, Tad ripped off his coat and tied it in a quick knot. There were no other weapons at hand and when Doug shifted he wanted something to beat the shit out of the beast.

  Tad wasn’t inexperienced in fisticuffs. He had fought training bouts with his pack mates for the last two years. He was smaller than a lot of other wolves and knowing how to defend himself in a quick and vicious manner had stopped some of the in-pack ranking fights. He had also trained with some excellent Arctic games competitors. He just needed the opportunity to put that training into effect.

  Doug came at him, swinging hard. He appeared soft but the danger in him rolled off in waves, his evil driving him hard. Tad was smaller and quick, and he dodged most of the blows, but enough landed that he knew he would be black and blue when it was all over.

  As long as he wasn’t dead.

  There was no sense of time as the fight continued. Under the glaring lights there were only swinging shadows and pain. Tad dodged another murderous attack from his opponent, dancing away from all but a few strikes. Inevitably his body protested more and more. Blood clung to his lips and his legs grew weary.

  “You’re slowing down. No one is coming to save you,” Doug taunted. He wasn’t without his bruises and cuts, and he seemed surprised by the furiousness of Tad’s counterattack.

  Tad waited on the ground where he’d fallen after the last bone-crunching blow. The snow was kind of soft and gentle on his aching limbs, and it was nice to rest for a moment.

  Besides, Doug needed to take one more step. Tad arranged his hands carefully, bending one leg under him and keeping the other loose and ready.

  Then, glory be, Doug not only swaggered forward, he leaned over Tad to gloat. “You really are pathetic—”

  Tad kicked him. He used the Alaskan High Kick method, pressing down into the ground with his extended arm while he forced his free foot up as hard and as fast as he could. Tad drilled the bastard right smack in the middle of his face. Okay, Tad cheated a little by not hanging on to one foot, but he figured the boys at the gym would forgive him for the slight error in technique.


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